It is a romantic but moving story about the inevitable and brutal conflict between the sphere of the sacred and the profane, about the lost innocence, but also about inner strength and beauty that cannot be tainted. Despite all the evil in this world, there is always hope and a place for what is good and noble.
In terms of music, "All of gold" is a combination of electronic and ethnic music, elements of rock and ballad. A gently swaying, melodic, dynamic track that develops and grows stronger with each successive verse.
The recording was attended by:
Jola Literska - vocals
Jarosław Gibas - vocals, keyboards, percussion instruments, guitars
Composition: Jarosław Gibas
Mixing and mastering: Doctor Mix, London

‘Mantras from seven sides of the world’ is the album which helps us to travel through seven different traditions and cultures to immerse ourselves in the sounds of mantras and realize that their transcultural heritage belongs to all of us.
The second album ‘MeditatYO’ consists of seven looping musical motives supporting meditation and representative for the path of spiritual development matching the system of seven chakras.
Let’s start our journey!